As today begins, I find myself circling back to the questions of ends and means. Does either justify the other? Can one have one without the other? In case there is doubt in anyone’s mind, let me be direct. Ends never justify means. One cannot accept a bad step (dare I call it evil?) because the outcome is what one thinks s/he wants. Means are never an excuse for the ends. Just because I have taken a “good” step, I should not conclude that I am excused from what follows.
If I am to break out of the cycle, I find myself looking to three mantras.
I need to recognize the need to break the cycle. Too often, I am caught in a circular argument for means and against ends. The real questions lie beyond. A writer made an observation that applies to more than just genders. “The first woman came from man, true—but ever since then, every man comes from a woman! And since virtually everything comes from God anyway, let’s quit going through these ‘who’s first’ routines.” (1 Corinthians 11.12)
I need to go into action knowing that I am responsible for the way I exercise my freedom as well as the outcomes that follow. Being responsible does not mean that I am to “blame” if something is not perfect. It does mean that I am responsible to some degree. My primary focus is on what I can control.
I need to see the circles that link my actions with my community. There are more choices that are right than there are that are best. You and I have the freedom to go in many different directions. Balancing compassion, love, and reaching for more requires more than just what I can see.
Life is more than a script. We are part of a living play. We participate. We have the freedom to contribute. Our choices touch more than others. What we do today will shape where we are tomorrow. Each moment is an opportunity connecting yesterday with tomorrow in a every changing circle.