The class system is alive and well. Sure it changes from time to time, culture to culture, however it has never quite gone missing. The subtleties are legendary. In the London City many will discriminate purely on where you grew up. Hail from Essex? Good luck against someone from Berkshire! Attend a private school south of the Thames? There is no chance of competing against someone who attended any of the top tier public schools. American roots? Don’t even begin to think of being part of society. The list goes on and on while the system remains fully and completely engrained in this society’s framework. It doesn’t seem England is unique. Each culture has their old and new money, equivalent of blue bloods and those who are from the wrong side of the tracks.
The bias doesn’t end here. Religions, sports, politics all have their hierarchy of those on the top, inside, and power versus those who are not. It seems as those meritocracy’s struggle for a permanent place in our society continues.
One of the most telling examples of where this plays out is in the choice of hobbies, activities, and even actions. Expect someone posh to make a cup of tea? No likely unless there is an angle. Will anyone expect to see servant leadership on display? There are exceptions; however, no one will be looking expectantly. Sadly, it is good to remember class expectations work in all directions.
Yet the greatest leaders, those who inspire people nearest to them, take a different approach. Not always expected but the point remains. Examples show up where you least expect them. One was at the end of a long day. Everyone in the group was hot, tired, and very dusty. Dinner was going to be on shortly. Fantasies of getting the worst of the dirt off danced in everyone’s mind. Then the unexpected became our model. “When he [Jesus] got to Simon Peter, Peter said, ‘Master, you wash my feet?’” (John 13.6)
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