As I boarded an uptown #1 train I did what I normally do when I board the subway in New York. I discreetly swept my eyes across the car, noting who was on the train. On this particular afternoon there was a muscular amazon of a man standing at the door in what looked like a working uniform. Other than that, everyone fit into the New York landscape.
As the car left the station, I stood mid-car casually watching the conversations and interactions. A young couple was deep in conversation about the happenings of their day. Their gossip was an interesting foundation to build a story on, especially as I was guessing about the real details of the names that were in the story. As I began to enjoy the fictional story emerging in my mind with the two at the center, a fun hand-percussion rhythm augmented the images.
Was this my mind or something else?
I looked up and down the car with no indication where the sound was coming from. The pitch change and simple snare like sound was unusual. Having eliminated everything from my left, right, and forward views, I turned to seewhat was directly behind me. Sitting on the bench, having the time of her life was a five-year-old girl. She had discovered a plastic bag with a ball and box in it from toy store purchase. Her hands were making music from the different parts of the ball, box, and the space between them (snare sound from the wrinkled plastic and wrap inside as it was tapped by her small hands).
It was magical! Her mom’s friend was swaying, I was nodding my head; everyone was following this girl’s lead. Our spirits soared and life seemed a better than it had just moment before. She had responded to Paul’s invitation for all; I’m not going to walk around on eggshells worrying about what small-minded people might say; I’m going to stride free and easy, knowing what our large-minded Master has already said.” (1 Corinthians 10.29)
It was a great ride.