Communities and truth often move in ways unseen, unanticipated, and with a speed faster than one’s imagination. If one is open to the possibilities, beauty, awe, and surprise are as predictable as the sunrise that comes with the dawn. It is incredible, wonderful, and fearful.
I find myself experiencing the birth of a dream I have lived in my imagination for some time. It is dream that initially started out as a fuzzy, almost ethereal haze of ideas painting themselves in ways I could never quite see. As the dream morphed through different generations, I found myself as a vision maker that long ago lost control of the painting. My hope has always been that truth would win. My belief was that good visions bring even better realities. My trust has been in the Spirit’s ability to drive and shape the reality of truth lived.
Even as the birth emerges, I find myself in the midst of an old story. I am the character Isaiah described; “you'll say to yourself, ‘Where on earth did these children come from? I lost everything, had nothing, was exiled and penniless. So who reared these children? How did these children get here?’” (Isaiah 49.21)
Life can be stunning, yet my story is far from unique. I know is not the buildings or services that give this story its texture, color, and life. It is individuals and the emerging community. It is the relationships that are growing and evolving as the vision finds its identify. It is something far beyond my imagination!
The reality of it all gives me pause. The incredible thing about God is not Divinity’s power and awe; it is the Spirit’s ability to touch and change hearts. God recreation, of your life and mine, is mysterious and wonderful. The fact that it occurs without our ability to pay is bizarre; defying your ability or mine to understand. The miracle is extraordinary, truly unique in this universe.
Today I awake stunned into silence. I have no words, but I can act. My gifts are my heart and soul.
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