In every moment
is a Whisper.
Welcome to one
man’s quest
to listen

Hi, my name is Bill. I love stories!

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I hope my stories will help you discover and hear more of your own stories. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to discover and hear the Whispers in the moments we have.

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Latest Thoughts


History often reveals what the participants could not see at the time.  Memories are driving my recent reflections.  These memories are influenced by the benefit of time, perspective, and contemplation.  Candidly, I can see things today that I could not a year ago.   Individuals, as flawed as they might be, are great sources of inspiration and hope.  Each is a child of Divinity.  Each carries a...

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New Dawn

Today, one year ago, there was a new dawn. I remember it as if it were yesterday. A deal had been closed. Hope was alive and tangible. I knew there were ripples in life; however, in hindsight, I was unprepared for what followed. I received three calls, each ninety minutes after the other. Dad was sick.  Dad was sick enough that they...


Abu Dhabi construction cranes can be seen from almost every vantage point in the city. The city is growing in every area, from the city to the islands, industrial areas, and undeveloped sand bars.  It is interesting to see which projects get started and move with pace versus those that slowly start, stop, and, with an unpredictable passage of time, start again.  As...


One constant in my apartment view and my walks to and from Al Maryah Island is the Leaf Tower.  With the curves of a clover, the glass structure enduringly echoes what each day reveals.  In light and fading light, when the skies are clear, or when the skies are filled with sand or the mist coming from the sea, I know the reflection...

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I did not pay much attention to the waitress as she delivered my coffee.  I am hopeful that I said thank you.  I know I was not paying attention to the cup, coffee, or setting.  My first reaction when I looked was annoyance; I knew I had not asked for and did not want any chocolate powder on my coffee.  As soon as the thought...


This train was taking me to a good destination.  It was coming.  It would not be long.  As it slowed to a stop, the doors began to open, and I knew with certainty that I had a simple choice – would I board this train, or would I let it pass? Seconds would reveal the story and forever be etched in my history.  I...

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I remember planning for a trip in late summer.  At the time, I did not know what to expect.  With the journey, when I need to think of fields loaded with fruits, vegetables, and herbs, the smells carried on a gentle breeze in Southern France replay in my mind.  With this as a reference point, I find myself travelling the world.  Northern California, Japan, New...


The Kulfi dessert store was a trip through childhood symbols.  From modes of transportation to signs and wall warnings, I retraced my steps.  The warning against signs on the wall was especially familiar during elections.  I wondered, then and now, about a missed opportunity.  What if the sign asked for beautiful decorations and calls to action?  One would see and hear calls to care and kindness...


The two chairs by the elevator offered a place of rest. As pristine as each chair looked, I am sure they had been used on more than one occasion. I waited and wondered what it would be like to rest and wait. It was dark and relatively quiet. As I considered my choices, I realised I was sure I would drift...