In every moment
is a Whisper.
Welcome to one
man’s quest
to listen

Hi, my name is Bill. I love stories!

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I hope my stories will help you discover and hear more of your own stories. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to discover and hear the Whispers in the moments we have.

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Latest Thoughts


With increasing grey hairs, life reminds me that I prefer life's simple, direct, and tangible things.  My old preferences of layers and proxies have given way to the ability to see, experience, and enjoy life as it is.  I am still fond of shiny objects, such as status, power, and admiration.  It is easy to get seduced and think they are real.  Life reminds me...

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“You should try our bread.” “Why?” “I think you will be surprised.  Give it a try.” I accepted the invitation and gave it a try.  First one slice, then another.  With this foundation, I accessed their website and ordered two loves to be delivered to my address.  I was reminded, again by experience, that some things do not change. As I enjoyed a slice this morning,...


I have three notebooks that I use concurrently.  One is for the start-up where I am a co-founder.  Another is for my corporate coaching engagements. The third is for the other opportunities and priorities in my daily life.  My ongoing start-up journey notebook is always on my left, in my hand or on the table in a position of trust.  In moments of uncertainty, I...

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Old School

When I listen to vinyl records, everything involved is as analogue as possible.  Turntables are naturally that way.  With a two-tube pre-amp and enhanced five-tube amplifier, the resulting sound creates an experience I enjoy inside and out.  The set-up is far from flash.  It is an old-school approach that recognises what works for me as I try to bring the best sounds to life in...


There is a book waiting for my response.  It is a gift for a gift, one generation asking its predecessor to share with them.  I have found myself reflecting on the things of life.  As I think of the ink that will be the medium, I know it was never about material things.  For me, life's highs and lows have been defined by my relationships...


One can see far more than the person or thing ever intended to say.  Today, it was a natural leaf in silhouette against the light.  There were signs of good health. I could see the shape of love.  I knew the plant was just being itself.  With nurture, it naturally grows.  Each leaf will seek the light.  This is a plant with shoots going in all directions,...


There was more than enough to share. Rarely do I enjoy a slice alone. Pizza is best enjoyed when it is shared, with everyone experiencing their slice in her/his own way. The memories of the moment are made more so because the core is shared, while our history, tastes, and perspectives make each bite unique to the person. I sat alone...

Soup and Bread

The homemade onion and potato soup with cheese on toast was just what my body and heart needed.  The soup had a subtle hint of curry.  With modern twists, it still paid homage to my childhood. The simple combination was soothing, comforting, and filling.  In my relaxed enjoyment, I could hear whispers of thanksgiving and empathy.  Thanksgiving for the affordability and ability to create the...


Bottled water is expected to be available in the office and at home.  As often as I have looked at the bottle in the apartment, I have missed observing how water is stored.  The mini cloud within the bottle stored the condensation as water droplets. It was a metaphorical picture that connected several dots in my life, allowing me to see today through...