The diffuser has seen better days. It has been broken more than once. It was shattered, ready to be tossed. I hesitated for...
The diffuser has seen better days. It has been broken more than once. It was shattered, ready to be tossed. I hesitated for...
I was on autopilot after my lunch, with an unusual craving for something sweet. As I opened the refrigerator, I found...
In the darkness before dawn, the glow of the light dominates the darkness. I believe light will come. It will take time. I...
The day was sunny with scattered clouds. The road out into the unknown was calling. The idea of finding a quiet spot...
Ninety minutes from the nearest city is a modern village and beach surrounded by desert. The idea of visiting the unknown...
With increasing grey hairs, life reminds me that I prefer life's simple, direct, and tangible things. My old preferences of layers...
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