

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.


The advantages of having experience often measured in decades is confidence.  As hard, difficult, and at times impossible something might...


My fitness band actively tracks my heart rate, its variability, and lots of nuances I do not fully understand.  I...


There is a momentary force dominating many parts of life.  It is as all forward momentum is being challenged.  With...


I wake up on most morning to a sunrise filled with green.  Two of Dubai’s lush spots are immediately within...


It is natural to find fault when things do not go one’s way.  As I fixed the adjustments on the...


As I described Daily Whispers to a friend, I found myself travelling across time, picking up memories here and there. ...

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