Difficult Sights
When I was a kid my brother used to ride his bicycle to school in Bangalore. Between our house in...
When I was a kid my brother used to ride his bicycle to school in Bangalore. Between our house in...
Being involved with start-ups has forced me to look at the questions of wants and needs very differently. I, along...
There are stories and stories of priorities and how they played out in the lives of people I work and...
I watched the 9/11 New York events unfold on television as I spoke to someone on the phone who was...
A recurring question that comes without invitation to my times of reflection is one of convictions. What, how and why? ...
I saw it coming. I was in a slow motion movie however I knew it was life! As I waited...
With relationship complexities, endless multi-dependent deliverables, and an aggressive to borderline unreasonable deadlines, I willingly admit to being overwhelmed. When...
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