

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.


The conversation had already transitioned from work to the broader joys and challenges one finds in life. With a move...

Of Age

Abu Dhabi has a unique gastropub that offers the cooking heart of the South.  From fried okra to grits and beyond,...


It had already been a hectic day, with several meetings, one after the other, each coming from a different direction,...


“Wow, what a sunset.” In the depth of our conversation, my focus had not strayed.  We were at a natural end,...


The two flowers stood tall against the sunlight.  They stood alone, each defiant, confident, and seemingly arrogant.  I reflected on my perception...


The sidewalk sign did not know or care who I was.  Rich or poor, powerful or weak, regardless of colour, gender,...


The waiter directed me to a table he had chosen at random.  My target was a relatively quiet spot, so the...

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