

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.


The glass dome on the table was, I thought, predictable.  I ignored it under the assumption that it was providing a...


I look towards the source of the wind.  The horizon told the story.  A storm was on the way.  Staying in a place...


I was late.  There was work waiting, words crying to be laid out on paper, and I needed a coffee.  When I...


I sat on a high table, writing, editing, and making calls.  The end of my table was well-lit, clean, and unusually,...


The top of the stairway was a decision point.  Did I want to follow the path?  Was I confident that this would...

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