

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.


Some think that their stuff does not stink.  I have never forgotten when a friend shared his initial reaction to our...


As I considered the tagged wall, listening in my mind to a friend who is no longer with me, I...


In a small village, restaurant signage caught my eye.  “Good food makes…”. It is a clever sign.  I stopped, read, reflected, and...


With time, everyone looks up.  It can be physical or metaphorical.  One rediscovers the centre.  One finds the source.  One looks away from oneself...

Heart Light

As I ducked into a restaurant to get warm, I was surprised by how welcoming it was.  From the comfortable sitting...


The working Windmills were dominating the scene across the water in Zaandijk.  As I walked and watched them getting closer to...


Candles are, for me, symbols of relationships.  Church candles symbolically carry my prayers to divinity.  Candles in the window are a welcoming...

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