2023 Copyright © Daily Whispers.
As the walk through the neighbourhood unfolded, I found myself confronted with several surprises. One of the early ones seemed to...
Up until a moment recently, I had always thought about the meaning of body language in a specific way. Body language...
I looked up at a sign on an upper middle-class street in Beirut. The neon sign for a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week, diner...
As I walked the night streets of downtown Beirut, I was captured by Bassam Kyrillos’ sculpture. It is set between two...
By the time I got to my morning, my cup was overflowing. My story is not unique. Observation suggests that we are...
The Roman arch has survived wars, time, and cycles of neglect. It has been replaced by modern bridges built using the...
The restaurant sign said it all. With a sense of irony, the air conditioner unit, satellite dishes, external ductwork and cabling,...
The reflection was captivating. The mosaic painted a pattern of light images that took me in many directions. As I reflected, I...
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