Taste Test
Everything was new. There were no reference points, reviews, or taste tests. We had not been to this restaurant and did not...
Everything was new. There were no reference points, reviews, or taste tests. We had not been to this restaurant and did not...
My apprenticeship began at 2020 Terrace Drive. The house looks the same as it did 50+ years ago. I recognise the water...
We stumbled across the San Juan Bautista Catholic Church in Duran New Mexico in the middle of the day. The front...
As I walked through the mall, happy feet were everywhere. Young kids with flashing light sneakers, older ones with skate shoes,...
Hope is intoxicating. Powerful, overwhelming hope infuses one with courage and inner strength. It is easy to forget that hope is not...
As our small group walked through the places of worship within Abu Dhabi’s Abrahamic Family House, a typeface letter inlaid...
“Blues music reflects the fabric of the human soul.” I have no idea who I should attribute the quote to. I can,...
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