

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.


Al Mina’s restaurant scene was busy and peaceful.  The usual competition to capture patrons was there, but even this activity had...


The smells coming out of the kitchen were amazing.  The combination of baking bananas, roasted walnuts and pecans, and local honey...


The Bonsai stood alone.  There was no setting.  I could not see a context that might indicate it was in a natural...


I arrived on the 20th floor for my appointment two minutes early.  While being precisely on time, or a minute early is...


The invitation could not be refused.  It was a combination of my favourites.  Chefs, Italian cooking, vegetarian cuisine, demonstrations with a special...


As I walked past the playground, I realised the setting was unique.  First, it was night.  Second, it was silent.  No children, no...


An original copy of my university degree is required for my residency visa in the UAE.  There is no room for...


As we walked along the water’s edge at The Club in Abu Dhabi, a tower stood out.  While it was clearly...

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