

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.


A follow-up question to my story abruptly stopped the conversation within my head.   “How would you define the individuals you...


I soaked my new sauna cap in cold water just before entering the silent sauna that was already 80o C (175o F).  Given...


For those unaware, today is day six of National Sauna Celebration Week.  In celebrating, I intentionally carved out an hour each...


In the Emirates, one is never far from the sand.  One sees it in the air.  One cannot ignore the dust which...


It has been a long day.  Highlights included several distinct and intense discussions, each with implications on the immediate as well...


As children played in the park, I found myself considering the relationship a child has with her/his parents.  Especially when children...


I wrapped up a day of meetings away from home, realizing I had the evening to myself.  I was in Romania.  Cluj-Napoca...

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