Dear John, Continuing Conversation Resolute by bill 2000-01-18 Each day is a choice, actually a whole series of choices. We make hundreds, if not thousands, of choices that...
Dear John, Continuing Conversation Response by bill 2000-01-17 Yesterday, I heard the voice of the Spirit. The conversation was clear, audible, and specific. God’s voice gave me a...
Dear John, Continuing Conversation Hiding by bill 2000-01-16 Strolling through Chelsea I knew I was ok. My life is together, family intact, and my focus is on God....
Dear John, Continuing Conversation Shoes by bill 2000-01-15 Every time I am back in New York I marvel, stare, and wonder at the diversity of people found in...
Dear John, Continuing Conversation A+B=C by bill 2000-01-14 Life links us - our actions, our awareness, and our relationships – all together in a web. People touch you...
Dear John, Continuing Conversation Our Way by bill 2000-01-13 From the time, we were able to move we want to get things “our way”. We push, shove, hit, and...
Dear John, Continuing Conversation Plans by bill 2000-01-12 This is the season for planning. Carli and Whitney want to plan their vacations, hopefully to include snow and sun....
Dear John, Continuing Conversation Attention & Action by bill 2000-01-11 The pain was out in the open for my attention and action; I ignored it until hit squarely in the...
Dear John, Continuing Conversation Insight by bill 2000-01-10 Worshipping is a treat, and good worship is a special treat that beats every indulgence! I am never sure what...
Dear John, Continuing Conversation Obvious? by bill 2000-01-09 Certain things in life are obvious, or at least they should be! My companion of twenty plus years loves me....