

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.

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Some look at Christmas and forget their childhood.  Others consider the holiday origin or the way businesses have hijacked the day...


The conversation was intense, candid, and, frankly, not very pretty.  Actions taken days previously were now visible to all.  The trust and...


It can be difficult to distinguish between a label, a handle, and a nickname.  Depending on the relationship between the person...


One’s starting point will change the choices and possible outcomes one can see.  As a recent conversation on shared targets revealed,...


Revelations are not always positive.  In a particular situation, the more I know, the less I understand.  Another’s rhetoric is strong, consistent.  The...


Many businesses I know talk about listening to their clients.  They invest in technology, procedures, and training.  As client conversations unfold, most...


An author once reminded me that “it is the unseen decision, taken when nobody is watching, that tells the true...

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