

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.


The Emirates often host individuals who one easily recognizes as serious VIPs (very important persons).  Between the entourage of men in...


This morning’s dusty dawn saw the sun appear as a soft orange dot above a tower, a perfect illustration of...


In Appenzell Switzerland there is a 90-minute walking trail that is best experienced with no shoes.  It is known as the...


I have, naturally I think, fallen into the role of a rebel.  In looking for a scapegoat, I blame my father.  After all,...


I vividly remember the conversation.  I close my eyes and feel the dusty air and the setting as we stood under the...


Fall holidays and I worked magically when I was a child.  For one season of the year my sweet tooth was...


One of my earliest memories as a very young boy is my mother’s pronouncement over a particularly red sunset, “red...


The idea that there is “a season for all good things” is well ingrained in my thinking.  Hearing my mother respond,...

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