

Hearing and sharing stories are a big part of living and growing. I in the hope my stories will help you hear more of your own. Feel free to share and be part of the quest to hear whispers in the moments we have.


With the benefit of time, I have come to appreciate the lessons found in the three stakes of an ask. ...


Recently a ten-year old picture I had taken popped up on social media.  The picture captured a Southern California musician...


In a world where the rules of war have seemingly evolved to “no rules” and “anything is ok as long...


Recently, a birthday gift did not land as I intended.  The fan far, excitement in the eyes, and happiness in...


In any effort to understand another, it helps to walk in her/his shoes.  The longer the walk, the greater the...

Go-to Places

Everyone has a go-to place when things get tough.  The list varies, from physical places to withdrawing within, from nature escapes...

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