Invitation Comeback by bill 2009-12-05 In the past few days, I have annoyed several. While I could defend my actions and lay out a case ...
Invitation Pain by bill 2009-12-02 Pain is expressed in a variety of ways. Sadness, tears, and anger are expressions of pain. In the past two ...
Invitation Tactics by bill 2009-11-29 There is a truth in my life that becomes stronger as it ages. The older I get, the less I ...
Invitation Reactions by bill 2009-11-24 As we walked into the airport, our expectations were set immediately. We could see long lines being served by limited ...
Invitation Blur by bill 2009-10-07 It is Wednesday and already the events of the past few days are a blur. I can recount what has ...
Invitation Action by bill 2009-09-13 As the years in business have led to a dominance of grey hair, one might assume that I would know ...
Invitation Meanings by bill 2009-06-13 A defect recall letter is confusing. I do not know what is means, but I do know what I need ...