2023 Copyright © Daily Whispers.
From the top of the hill, two spires framed my view. In the distance, a cathedral spire. The spire stood tall, enduring, ...
It was a lazy day. Overcast, crisp, and oddly relaxing. I had left my to-do list metaphorically behind and was wandering the ...
The building came with at least eight names etched on its façade. Except for its labels, the stately building reminded me ...
The mosque glowed in the afternoon sun. My full view was blocked by buildings. As I walked in all directions for a ...
I love kitchens, especially ones with wood-fired ovens, gas stoves, and space for people in love with all things cooking ...
I have come to appreciate the sounds of church bells and the Islamic calls to prayer. Each invites me to look ...
As I sit in an airport sipping a breakfast coffee, I could be almost anywhere in the world. There is something ...
As I paused at dusk, considering the sunset to come, I found myself experiencing the dust hanging in the air ...
© 2021 Daily Whispers.