Tag: Heart


As I mentally stripped a coffee shop back to its core, it is not about extra service.  It is basic, simple, ...


I walked into a quiet room, alone except for comfortable sofas, books, and art.  I found myself confronted by a bust ...


“I’ll be right back.  A sunset is unfolding.  I would like to experience it.” Among the crowd enjoying the music, food, conversations ...


Today begins with reflection.  Some would see it as a day of celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.  I agree, however I ...


A friend made an interesting offer; “Take my armor with you.  You are going to need it today.”  Given the ...


The day at the animal sanctuary was fantastic.  We had our fill of koalas, kangaroos, and lots of others animals, ...


A casual conversation always says more than either party realizes at the time.  The storyteller thinks that s/he is simply ...

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