Journey Unknown Consuming an unknown cold coffee in the late afternoon is unsettling. One does not know the impact on one’s stomach, metabolism, ... by bill 2025-02-02 0
Welcome Candor by bill 2010-07-20 The request to the group was for candor. It was direct and to the point. It is hard to imagine ...
Welcome Hope by bill 2010-07-19 There is something magical in honest conversations. The most recent one seemed to start over dinner. If either of us ...
Welcome Candor by bill 2010-07-07 I meet another senior yesterday. For a refreshing change, our conversation was detailed and candid. Towards the end of our ...
Welcome Candid by bill 2010-04-27 If I were to try to characterize the past twenty-four hours, it would be one of two extremes. On one ...
Welcome Story by bill 2010-02-25 It is hard to explain where I live. A picture given to me expresses it best. There three photographs of ...
Welcome Candor by bill 2010-02-21 As I reflect on the last few days in Bangalore, and I realize I have been candid, perhaps too candid. ...
Welcome Candor by bill 2010-01-09 “I assume this meeting is not going to be about being nice or getting along. Do you agree?” It was ...
Welcome Candor by bill 2010-01-02 An ongoing challenge managers in the workplace have is candid conversations. Given the power hierarchy, conversations tend to reinforce what ...
Invitation Excuses by bill 2009-09-21 The motion, the quick grab of the hand, jerk of the body, and the bewildered look on the face of ...