Tag: honesty


Consuming an unknown cold coffee in the late afternoon is unsettling.  One does not know the impact on one’s stomach, metabolism, ...


There is something magical in honest conversations.  The most recent one seemed to start over dinner.  If either of us ...


I meet another senior yesterday. For a refreshing change, our conversation was detailed and candid.  Towards the end of our ...


If I were to try to characterize the past twenty-four hours, it would be one of two extremes.  On one ...


It is hard to explain where I live.  A picture given to me expresses it best.  There three photographs of ...


As I reflect on the last few days in Bangalore, and I realize I have been candid, perhaps too candid.  ...


“I assume this meeting is not going to be about being nice or getting along.  Do you agree?” It was ...


An ongoing challenge managers in the workplace have is candid conversations.  Given the power hierarchy, conversations tend to reinforce what ...