Welcome More by bill 2010-02-04 The conference call was interesting, assuming you worked in the area and wanted to be involved. Otherwise, I cannot imagine ...
Welcome Awareness by bill 2010-01-31 I wake to a day where I know I need to write. I have three presentations, one position paper, and ...
Welcome Facts by bill 2010-01-30 As the presentation began, I had no idea how the audience was going to respond. I only knew two in ...
Invitation Helen by bill 2009-12-16 Some people see what others cannot. It is a gift, although I find most do not know that her/his vision ...
Invitation Momentum by bill 2009-11-26 There are several points in my life that I can see what others cannot. Initially, I enjoyed the view. I ...
Invitation Opportunity by bill 2009-11-08 Change is a reality. I may want something stable and predictable, however, there is little chance that it will be ...
Invitation Details by bill 2009-11-04 When I listen to a story, I find myself drifting off in with the details. It is not that the ...
Invitation Anytime by bill 2009-10-30 Old school thinking says that wisdom comes with age. Given my age, I am on the cusp of being able ...
Invitation Reality by bill 2009-10-17 The purpose of our meeting was to talk about a project – the progress the team has already made, future ...
Invitation Insight by bill 2009-10-14 As I introduce myself into a new organization, the conversations repeatedly reinforce a common theme. The theme has three elements. ...