Invitation Anytime by bill 2009-10-30 Old school thinking says that wisdom comes with age. Given my age, I am on the cusp of being able ...
Invitation Reality by bill 2009-10-17 The purpose of our meeting was to talk about a project – the progress the team has already made, future ...
Invitation Insight by bill 2009-10-14 As I introduce myself into a new organization, the conversations repeatedly reinforce a common theme. The theme has three elements. ...
Invitation Intuition by bill 2009-10-13 Making decisions in complex situations is rarely easy. Does one use the information that one knows as the foundation? Is ...
Invitation Doing by bill 2009-08-23 I once live near Portland Oregon. When I think back, I cannot remember any significant negatives about that time in ...
Invitation Events by bill 2009-06-15 There is a control box in the shop. It is supposed to manage the eight dust collector outlets that are ...