Tag: opportunity


It had already been a hectic day, with several meetings, one after the other, each coming from a different direction, ...


“Wow, what a sunset.” In the depth of our conversation, my focus had not strayed.  We were at a natural end, ...


The two flowers stood tall against the sunlight.  They stood alone, each defiant, confident, and seemingly arrogant.  I reflected on my perception ...


I was standing alone with eight teeter-totters in front of me.  There was nobody else in sight.  Many things in life, such ...


Food is an opportunity to create, experience, and share.  I love each uniquely.  For me, the creation process follows experiencing awe-filled dishes ...

Taco Inspiration

There was very little about the set-up of the three tacos dish that made sense.  First, the restaurant's location was Belgium.  While ...


By the time I got to my morning, my cup was overflowing.  My story is not unique.  Observation suggests that we are ...


Traveling, meals with new friends, and reflecting are natural friends.  A recent trip was filled with opportunities, amazing conversations, and reflections ...

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