Welcome Vision by bill 2010-05-23 The past few days have energized me in a way that I remember from day long gone by. I can ...
Welcome Progress by bill 2010-05-13 It was an unusual day. I was alone with my computer, blackberry, and a to do list. I sat looking ...
Welcome Course by bill 2010-05-11 We are now on the third project, one right after each other, with the same goal. The requirements have not ...
Welcome Viewpoint by bill 2010-02-27 A key aspect of my role in business is, for the moment, to give voice to what others may not ...
Welcome More by bill 2010-02-04 The conference call was interesting, assuming you worked in the area and wanted to be involved. Otherwise, I cannot imagine ...
Welcome Education by bill 2010-01-14 There is a view that great people think alike. I find that this translates differently than one might initially think. ...
Invitation Options by bill 2009-12-31 The fork in the road was a clear choice. Left or right? I was not sure. Emma, the GPS in ...
Invitation Hesitation by bill 2009-12-24 I needed one additional present for my list, well two actually. As I walked through yet another store, meandering through ...
Invitation Helen by bill 2009-12-16 Some people see what others cannot. It is a gift, although I find most do not know that her/his vision ...
Invitation History by bill 2009-12-11 I listened to his history. It was an amazing journey. From living in different countries to excelling in sports and ...