Steps Signals by bill 2024-11-23 The traffic signals in the central city of Fujairah are bold, simple, and direct. It is hard to miss them. With the ...
Steps Direction by bill 2024-09-05 The sign is clear, simple, and easy to read in English and Arabic. Its symbol is universally recognised. I know ...
Steps Dials by bill 2024-06-09 I was sitting in the car, waiting to move. The dashboard was bright and clear, and no warning signs were visible. I ...
Unknown Signal by bill 2023-07-01 There are two plaques on each floor of my apartment building. One reminds me of the floor I am on. Helpful since ...
Welcome Early Warning by bill 2010-05-14 I write this note with a sense of light-headedness. I thought I was a seasoned traveler. I assumed I was ...
Welcome Warnings by bill 2010-01-27 The Singapore Airlines flight was normal, including the usual suggestion from the pilot to keep your seatbelt fastened at all ...
Invitation Warning by bill 2009-10-20 The discussions in our recent meetings today reflect a world of chaos. Everything that we can see or touch is ...
Invitation Warning by bill 2009-10-10 I was looking forward to getting some writing done on the 15-hour flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles. While not ...
Invitation Control by bill 2009-07-04 The week was unfolding wonderfully. Plans were coming together. Long anticipated lunches were realized as great reunions with old friends. ...