Tag: words


There is a book waiting for my response.  It is a gift for a gift, one generation asking its predecessor to ...


Communication continues to evolve.  Beauty, love, and anger are expressed in ever-evolving ways.  How I understand life and the individuals I meet ...


Every day has a sunset.  As I watched the light fade, I reflected and walked, thinking of individuals no longer in ...

First Hand

The sign was oh-so-familiar.  As I approached the stand, I tried to imagine what could be eerily familiar yet unknown.  I soon ...


As I walked in, the poster on the wall captured my mind and transported me to another time and place.  Two ...


The two flowers stood tall against the sunlight.  They stood alone, each defiant, confident, and seemingly arrogant.  I reflected on my perception ...


The cookie and brownies at the counter looked like any other peanut butter cookie and brownie.  Even as my eyes took ...


Today begins with reflection.  Some would see it as a day of celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.  I agree, however I ...


A casual conversation always says more than either party realizes at the time.  The storyteller thinks that s/he is simply ...

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