Tag: community


In exploring a new city, there is a recurring question.  How long did the first settlers take to feel that ...


The sauna was large, open, and hot.  Its name was appropriate, Helsinki.  Centered on one wall was the heater and ...


Every community sees itself differently.  The community’s rationale rests on the attributes that define the differences within from without.  A ...


I like maps.  In any form - paper, GPS devices, and my iPhone – maps work!  The idea that someone ...


I meet another senior yesterday. For a refreshing change, our conversation was detailed and candid.  Towards the end of our ...


The discussion about our capabilities was intense.  All sides were represented.  Sales and client managers represented the different customer segments.  ...


The stories were distinct.  A wide range of individuals, managers, line staff, and support personnel independently told her/his chapter.  The ...


In a market survey briefing early in my career, an analyst observed; “Every organization sees itself worse than customers and ...

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