Tag: Heart


I am a fan of single-origin coffee beans.  I look for the profile and tasting notes as a foundation.  Admittedly, I have ...


“Where are you from?” It is a question with many meanings.  The meanings vary by the one asking as well as ...


As I mentally stripped a coffee shop back to its core, it is not about extra service.  It is basic, simple, ...


I walked into a quiet room, alone except for comfortable sofas, books, and art.  I found myself confronted by a bust ...


“I’ll be right back.  A sunset is unfolding.  I would like to experience it.” Among the crowd enjoying the music, food, conversations ...


Today begins with reflection.  Some would see it as a day of celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.  I agree, however I ...


A friend made an interesting offer; “Take my armor with you.  You are going to need it today.”  Given the ...

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