Tag: journey


The business lunch was a past, present, and future journey shared by three. A decades-old mentor relationship formed the foundation. ...


As I walked down a corridor, I found myself metaphorically looking at a symbol of myself coming the other way.  In ...


As I stood outside of the inspection station waiting for a transaction to complete, a weathered palm stood.  In it, I ...


Steps take one in a direction. Sometimes the direction is of one’s choosing.  On other occasions, it seems to be random ...


The road I was on could be anywhere.  The shared points of reference included an endless sense of continuing, blue skies, ...


I turned to my right on a self-guided tour of Avignon’s Palais des Papes (Popes’ Palace).  The stairway was semi-lit, and ...


Hope is intoxicating.  Powerful, overwhelming hope infuses one with courage and inner strength.  It is easy to forget that hope is not ...


We are now on the third project, one right after each other, with the same goal.  The requirements have not ...

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