Tag: links

Master Plan

Al Maryah Island is visible from my apartment windows.  It is small, only 1.14 square kilometres (.44 square miles), and relatively ...


Two projects required the “right” materials.  The shop is filled from floor to ceiling with threads, yarns, and everything one might ...


Abu Dhabi’s Abrahamic Family House is an unending echo in my mind.  Design to bring Abraham’s family’s three faith systems together ...


I was not sure what to expect at dinner.  Nine individuals with a shared history of working at the same bank ...


A casual conversation always says more than either party realizes at the time.  The storyteller thinks that s/he is simply ...


I listened to the service honoring those that died and are serving their country.  There was a fresh reality to ...


I had never met the two managers before our arranged meeting.  I did not have any information on them.  Their ...


The dinner started with a senior business manager thanking each for their time and presence.  As I listened to his ...


I caught the image instantly as the taxi pulled up to the light.  He was sitting cross-legged under the small ...