Tag: past


“Wow, what a sunset.” In the depth of our conversation, my focus had not strayed.  We were at a natural end, ...


The business lunch was a past, present, and future journey shared by three. A decades-old mentor relationship formed the foundation. ...

In Time

There are moments where my experience is frozen in time.  One was riding the Pony in front of the store when ...


I grew up reading the labels on food.  I was educated on the dangers of refined sugar, excessive oils, and simple ...


My earliest mango memories are now more than fifty years old.  It is amazing how the flavour, texture, smoothness of the ...


I consider myself a student of “service”.  I love being the beneficiary of good service.  I enjoy giving others feedback ...


In a given moment, everything rests.  Each is a moment filled with potential turns.  With us are all kinds of ...


The countdown to go-live comes with daily bulletins.  Emotions are on edge.  Nobody is sure what is going to happen.  ...