Tag: Present


As I think about the past few days, extended workshops analyzing and exploring solutions to difficult questions, I find myself ...


For decades, I have lived in the myth that there was a single way of making decisions. While I understood ...


From my earliest memories, at age three or four, I can remember a feeling of restless belonging.  I knew I ...


In my responsibilities as manager for one of the bank’s factories, I need to share our performance, opportunities for improvement, ...


The questions are endless.  At the heart, there is a single word that each question has somewhere in it – ...


I am in the process of recruiting and empowering a new team.  It is a fun process, however it is ...


The countdown to go-live comes with daily bulletins.  Emotions are on edge.  Nobody is sure what is going to happen.  ...


The recent past has been filled with schedules, activities, and appointments.  As much as I would like to think many ...

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