Tag: purpose


The wall art was simple, unique, and, to me, powerful.  Multiple succulents share a common purpose of storing water within themselves ...


Early in life, I listened to the words of someone I deeply respected.  The words etched themselves as a message on ...


In the build-up to a major sporting event, I found myself texting with others I knew would be watching.  Amid the ...


The working Windmills were dominating the scene across the water in Zaandijk.  As I walked and watched them getting closer to ...

Service Rentals

Walking is an opportunity to reflect and observe, in either order.  On this occasion, it was well into the evening.  Everything around ...


Sometimes you see something that does not make sense.  What remained of a pub was a strong case in point.  The location ...


The traditions represented in my view caught my attention.  As I considered the scene, I decided to capture the two towers, ...


As I walked through an Armenian section of Beirut, the big bold white letters of a restaurant caught my attention.  Initially, ...

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