Unknown Voices by bill 2023-04-15 Castle of Les Baux is an ancient fortress sitting on a rocky mountain in the middle of Provence France. It is ...
Unknown Conversation by bill 2023-03-06 Each time we catch up, I am reminded of the reasons I miss our conversation. I know it is more than ...
Welcome Goal by bill 2010-07-31 It is easy to forget the goal. I am competitive. In an admission based on self-awareness, I am naturally competitive ...
Welcome Outcome by bill 2010-06-10 The gray morning is beginning to show signs of life. I can hear the sounds of people stirring around me, ...
Welcome Waves by bill 2010-05-21 The storm raged without mercy. In contrast the hot tropical sun where nothing much moves, inside it was dark, cold, ...
Welcome Insight by bill 2010-05-12 Stepping back in time is helpful. As I landed in Ho Chi Minh City, I found myself traveling back through ...
Welcome Course by bill 2010-05-11 We are now on the third project, one right after each other, with the same goal. The requirements have not ...
Welcome Instinct by bill 2010-04-24 It is interesting to watch what happens when people feel they are backed into a corner. There seems to be ...
Welcome Mission by bill 2010-04-17 As I begin to embrace the idea that I have started a new chapter in my work, I have reflected ...
Welcome Intent by bill 2010-04-10 I opened an email and found myself ready to scream. How could this have been sent? What possessed his mind ...