2023 Copyright © Daily Whispers.
I love marmalade, especially orange marmalade with large peel chunks. The bittersweet taste automatically starts my memory replays of being with ...
The noise was making it harder and harder to hear the panel. There are 12,000 individuals attending Abu Dhabi’s AIM Congress. Scattered ...
The top of the stairway was a decision point. Did I want to follow the path? Was I confident that this would ...
After two nights of not enough sleep, I woke longing for a morning cup of coffee. The friends I am staying ...
Of the many storefronts in my memories, one boutique stands out. I have no idea what is within this flea market. Candidly, ...
I had just walked into an upscale hotel lobby for a meeting. I double-checked to see if I was ready. Everything was ...
I was around 8 years old. We were visiting our cousins at their farm. Two things stand out from that trip. It was ...
There are days when the battle within dominates. I know the struggle between good and evil. I feel pulled between self and ...
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