There are many situations that I face in life in which I have no idea of what I should ideally be doing. I am not talking about the gray moments of life where conflicting principles are resting out in the open for all to see; I am grabbling with the situations where life has taught you what works and those very actions, decisions, and choices conflict with the values that you and I hold close to our hearts. The moments that cry out for mercy, compassion, and unconditional acceptance and the only tools I know are wrapped in justice, judgment, and power.
God has a first string team. The team reflects those who have passionately, without conditions, or reservations dedicated themselves to the values that God holds dear. The value that God places on them is truly beyond measure. John tries to describe God’s recognition of their allegiance lived out in reality.
“They [God’s special children] were bought from earth, lived without compromise, virgin-fresh before God. Wherever the Lamb went, they followed. They were bought from humankind, first fruits of the harvest for God and the Lamb. Not a false word in their mouths.” (Revelation 14.3-5)
What amazes and inspires me is that there is no description of when the chosen failed. Given other writer’s observations I know that they have yet the focus is on the positive. I read and wonder about my personal commitment.
How intensely do I believe in the principles of compassion, mercy, and unconditional acceptance?
Do I want to be on God’s team when nobody is watching?
Will I give up success, prestige, and or power to be one with God?
The mystery buried in these questions is the fact that both of us, in fact everyone we know can be on the team! There is room for everyone! The Spirit is looking to coach us all, without exception.
On a bright, sunny morning the question sits pregnant. What will I choose? On which side will I be? What values do I hold most precious? Now is when I decide.