“God delivers generous love, he makes good on his word.” Psalm 57.3
I should have known something was up! The call came a few days earlier, would you be able to share a few remarks? The invitation came for everyone to come and be apart of a small house church. The invitation did not seem out of the ordinary, the timing and place logical given all the local events.
The day’s dawn brought hope and the unknown quality we know as grace. The fullness and completeness and the new day carried everyone into the gathering. We prepared by immersing ourselves in music, Carli playing the keyboard with tracks with Whitney and I trying our best at karioke. I do admit that Whitney’s air guitar is far better than mine is!
In hindsight, I realize that I had no idea of what God and friends had in mind for the day. Even as we met to worship, the gathering did not seem special or unusual. I do not know what could prepare me to accept their gift. I cannot see anything special in the past to warrant their remarks.
Juanita stopped hearts with her remarks introducing a song of dedication and blessing. When the song began, I knew David’s prayer promises were coming true in my life. The song looped back to others who use the words and music as a blessing to those who worship together. The hope and love given by Juanita captured my dreams of sharing grace and acceptance with friends who do not know this experience. My heart desire for closure to one phase of life is now complete. Tears flowed, the hugs long and lingering, and the prayers full of emotions. This gift was one of the best and most awesome gifts!
I wish every person could have my experience. I wish every person I know as a friend could feel the love, sense the touch, and know the acceptance.
I am so slow! God offers this to each of us. We just need to be open to the experience.