“Soar high in the skies, O God! Cover the whole earth with your glory!’” Psalm 57.11
Yesterday, I saw three miracles, or at least I stopped counting at three.
First is the amazing transformation of a friend encouraged, accepted, and bathing in grace. Watching these friend grow continues to teach me in ways he cannot imagine. Lessons so far include the following:
It is more important to act on God’s grace than demand God do something special.
Life can be as good or as bad as you chose to view it.
Some things are worth far more than money and it is not just about being sentimental.
Taking responsibilities for the good things in one’s life is not always a bad thing.
Sometimes change occurs inside before we know we are different.
My friend continues to live and be these lessons of love. God is changing him from the inside out and I am not sure he knows it!
Second, I sat with another friend who, by all medical statistics, should be dead or at least a man with no hair. Instead, I found a man sitting with friends and family, vibrant and encouraging, giving grace to whoever came within his shadow. Sitting for awhile with him, I experienced fresh hope and dreams. I saw the hope of new generations, family love, and a zest for life that will carry me for days to come.
Third, I shared the magnitude of one person’s care and love for another. The incredible gift of time, prayer, and expressed love is often fleeting. To see it captured in 1,000 origami cranes, colors cascading down in steams of love, reminded me of the eternal sign of birth and creation. Easter, Linden flowers, resurrection, new birth, grace, love and a shared journey all wrapped into one.
God gives each of us a new set of miracles each day. Often we get busy or forget to look or listen. Then God stops us in our tracks; miracles one cannot ignore.
Soar high like an eagle! Let everybody see who you are God!