“He’s solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, an impregnable castle. I’m set for life.” Psalm 62.7
David continues to express his confidence in God and his decision to follow him no matter what. There is no question of David’s motives in making this decision. After having it tested from all angles, one can conclude that David did not make his decision out of fear, or tradition, or because there was more to be gained as compared to other choice alternatives. David based his decision on positive evidence supporting the decision that he believed it was a good idea, he thought God could make it work, and life would be better because of the decision.
David experience with the decision models the process each of us faces. Can re continue to remake the decision with our failures? David failed in amazingly dumb ways! There were many examples publicly documented of his failures. As I pursue God, I find an awareness building of my of self centered obsession. I continue to fail in amazingly dumb ways! David honestly and completely recognized his failures, confessed his failures to God, and made a decision of God-faith.
How can we understand and learn from David experience?
First, and probably the most key, believe with every fiber that there is no way we can build a wall between God and ourselves. No matter how far we walk or run what we do or say, God is able and willing to reach us with our request. This distance from God is 100% of our making, we cannot bridge it, and God can!
Second, take every opportunity to understand and appreciate God’s actions on our behalf. Do not let modern logic create excuses. Yesterday, for example, I came home tired and looking for rest. The afternoon weather continued to get worse and was now a solid downpour with hard swirling winds. As I drove to the street entrance, God gave me an undeserved gift of mercy with a parking space close to the building. Coincidence? Perhaps. God’s gift? Absolutely yes!