“I run for dear life to God, I’ll never live to regret it. Do what you do so well: get me out of this mess and up on my feet.” Psalm 71.1
Yesterday carried the earmarks for being perfect. Thin pancakes and English strawberries for breakfast. A rare summer day in London filled with sun and cooling breezes. A fun outing to the countryside to experience our new home, cats in quarantine, quiet countryside roads. We even survived Cherry’s first attempt at driving in England! God’s love and grace wrapped the day in love, giving each family member a special gift.
I carry a tendency to fall back into my own strength. I fall into the trap many others have worn time and time before. David knew this trap; other Bible heroes frequented it as well. It seems that we quickly forget the lessons of failure, we take God’s grace for granted, and we try to stand on our two feet. The contrast between family love, God’s grace, and beauty around me with my own inner thoughts was black and white! It isn’t that my day with filled with bizarre behavior. I cannot recall doing anything that anyone would perceive as a “sin”. The challenge comes from the quiet moments when you know nobody is listening! We all carry our own demons; mine reflects arrogance of pride and confidence coupled with a quiet fear of failure.
There is only one cure for this disease. Run, and run quickly to God! I will not speak for you, but my life is a mess on the inside! The exterior is fine, recently painted with no visible cracks or scrapes. You may not see the flaws and rot but I know it is there. I also know there is only one way to fix the mess. Get the details out on the table and deal with it! My honesty with God gives him the opportunity to do what he does best, fix a broken life!
Stop, take a good hard look, and then run, do not walk, to safety!