“Enjoy the good life in Jerusalem every day of your life.” Psalm 128.5
Living in the present is often a difficult challenge. There is just too much going on, everyone is coming at you, and nothing quite seems to go as plan. I am sure each of will acknowledge that one or two days can go by, occasionally, at a slower pace. However, most days are full of things we need to do, places we need to be, and kids/friends/significant others that need a conversation. Life is hectic, painful, and difficult.
I do not believe I will ever change the externals that affect my life. I can exchange a few, replacing pressures with a different type that I think might be better, however in the end life is a series of needles poking at one’s skin.
Needles can and do have a purpose. Anything and perhaps, everything can point me to God. My Biblical founded belief, echoed in the Psalm today, is that each moment I stay in the presence, resting in God’s arms and care, is a moment of heaven on earth. The needles will still be there. Our aches and physical pain will rest right where they are. The work pressures and dysfunctional behavior of everyone around us will continue. So what?
I know my action cause pain in other people’s lives. I do not mean to hurt or make life difficult, but I do. Each of us looks at life in a unique way. Our uniqueness is what draws others to us and provides the food and nurture for friendships and relationships. Out uniqueness is what causes conflicts, stress, and annoyance in our friendships and relationships.
I can see the cost that trying to life extracts from many people. The cost shows up in failed health, anger, frustration, stress, and acts of revenge and self-absorption. God offers to take this away. He willingly takes on this burden and offers us rest in Him. God’s gift of the Spirit is one gift I cannot refuse! Being present in the Presence is life to enjoy.