My attitude stunk. There is no way to cover or dress it up, everything I touched, saw, or spoke to experienced and shared in my pain. Lost items should be easily found and in their place. Using word processors and PC spreadsheets are intuitive I would think. Editing begins with tools and ends with a common sense read it out-loud finish. If kids want to fail in their homework, perhaps parents should let them. Trains run on schedule so one can meet them on time, right! My attitude continued to sink inversely to the pain level in the sinus cavity between my eyes. It was “I” versus the rest of the world and I was not going to lose!
Solo adventures are lonely journeys. I actually believe the number of times we are on a true solo adventure is quite small. People surround you and I – some close like family, kids, spouses, good friends, and confidants; others more distant – people we fear or for a wide variety of reasons we choose not be put ourselves at risk with. Walking alone is something we try to do out of anger, frustration, fear, or pain. Often, even when we try, someone is there or cares.
Last night I realized the reality of Paul’s statement. “Everyone I meet – it matters little whether they’re mannered or rude, smart or simple – depends my sense of interdependence and obligation.” (Romans 1.14) Every situation I encountered yesterday raised my awareness of God’s gift and our interdependence as we respond. You and I are not alone! We are on a journey together, like it or not!
Lost items remind me how easy and fatal it is for me to depend on my own abilities. Learning is a continuous process, things you find easy I often struggle to comprehend. Being available for others is part of being a member of the human family. Each of us struggle with priorities, emotions, and needs; giving grace to another allows God to refill our cup.
Walking through life is best as a trio – God, your self, and giving!