Wandering along through the south side of London, I knew I would be lost without a guide. Fortunately, Charles was driving! Charles seems to know exactly where he is at all times. We quietly went on our way, effortlessly taking a left here, then a right, and further on a gentle corner. The mellowing Mercedes was smooth and quiet. We never broke the speed limit or needed to slow down for the cameras. Yet, we got to our destination in record time; without stress and strain.
Looking as the decisions before myself, I wondered aloud if I was hearing God’s voice. Two recurring themes keep echoing. The choice will be clear. The fork in the road will lead to something new, exciting, and challenging. Now that I am at the fork, both pieces of counsel are very true. The opportunity is there for the taking. I know that if I am where God wants me to be that God will be on my side! So why worry?
Reflecting on the forks before the people around me the issues and opportunities seem as clear as the answers evasive. As we walk and explore the challenges together, we find ourselves in a maze of man’s making. Lefts look like rights, up seem the same as down, and forward ends up at the same place as reverse. Are there any answers that come in simple packages?
The answer lies in a proverb. “Sound advice is a beacon, good teaching is a light, moral discipline is a life path.” (Proverbs 6.23) Without each the path is as simple and clear and a south London street. Easy to be lost without a guide!
Today, I explored decision points with a good friend. I worry because I fear that he does not know the experience of having the Spirit present in his life. There is no substitute for the real thing; God is the answer for what we seek. Forks, hills, and valleys are all opportunities to travel with the One who knows all, sees clearly, and is looking out for us.