Life presents many different and varied paths. The challenge of choosing one’s way is perplexing and daunting, even on a good day. The questions of destinations are never clear; or are they?
I walk Bangalore’s streets, caught in the crowds, guarding my wallet, and wondering about where I thought I wanted to go. I pushed on through eager to find the next shop that might have that special item. Bangalore is a great place to shop! Stores are dress up and reach for visitors. People oblige, especially on the weekends. Normally I think of Sunday nights as a time to rest before the coming week. This is clearly not the right assumption when in Bangalore! People are coming out on all edges. The specials create queues to buy the latest sports shoes. The fashion releases have new adults easily parting with the hard earned money.
The messages as of the billboards promise happiness, friendship, status, and an easier life. The lure is hard to resist. Movie houses are packed. Everywhere you look, people are taking advantage of what the world has to offer. It is as if “people walk by minding their own business, [and Evil] calls out, ‘Are you confused a bout life, don’t know what’s going on? Steal off with me, I’ll show you a good time.’” (Proverbs 9.16)
The rush to catch up with society forced Bangalore and its residents to pay a high price. I wonder if anyone knew when things were quite and slow what the future held. The paths were there for the choosing, yet many wonder if this was the road best chosen. Sure there are more jobs, people earn more money, the hotels are nicer, and the choice of where to eat is fantastic. At the same time, God seems more distant, life is increasing a rat race without end, and the garden city is quickly becoming a metropolis similar to many others.
You and I face a choice today. Knowing which way to go is often a tricky decision. Compassion for all will always guide your way.