I am currently struggling with two types of individuals. The first are amazing, continuing to surprise the observer at every corner. They are searching for more knowledge, seeking to grow, and looking for ways to improve their life and the lives around them. In contrast, the other group is confident in their knowledge, firm in their beliefs, and looking to gain a step by standing on the bricks of the past. As I sit in the Redwoods, I see living, thriving, and growing plants contrasted against clear cut patches of land that reflect men’s domination.
The Redwoods are majestic, calming, and energizing. The tall, overwhelming, giants come with a soft bark and shallow roots that depend on community to survive. As the bind themselves to one another, they grow strong and to their potential. Nestled at their feet are ferns and ground-covering plants that complements the scene to form a nurturing environment that gives each person who comes for rest a new sense of energy and completeness.
In contrast, one can find please where clear-cutting is complete and things sit raw and exposed. There is little that one can take away except for a sense of sadness for what has been lost. There is nothing left. The good news is that a rebirth process is already underway. Nature is equipped to start the rebuilding process, and the very people that have dominated now try to help speed up the process.
The irony is how you and I often view life. We take and use everything life has to offer. We often assume that we know the facts, trusting our street knowledge for survival and getting ahead. In contrast, “the wise accumulate knowledge – a true treasure.” (Proverbs 10.14) The smart ones look to God for relationship and nurture. They know that real living; living life to the max, only comes through God.
Each day we face a choice. We can clear-cut and take from life or we can work as a community of people to nurture our respective journeys with and towards God. Now is the time.