I believe people have a right to stand up for their convictions, beliefs, and what is due them. There is no question that powerful entities, governments, businesses, and certain people in positions of responsibilities, have taken advantage of their roles to exploit the services and lives of the people in their care. People live with many injustices that will never been remedied, even if the protagonists were interested in doing something about the results of their actions. Life is full of situations that are not fair, working environments that are unsafe, and relationships based on extracting anything of value of until there is nothing left.
Given this, I have no idea of the people who provide clerical support for banks in Brazil fall into this category. The facts are fleeting and confusing, the problems and challenges of living in a city of 13 million are many, and economic pressures mirror the struggle of people everyone in trying to survive and make a living for the family. It is easy to conclude that business managers have fallen into the trap of getting the most of the least; however, this is never the whole story.
So today I witness a strike of Brazilian proportions. The sides are ready. The helicopter pad is clean so essential staff can land on the building. Junior staff slept on cots last night in conference rooms. Outside, the banners and musical bands prepare. Everyone is approaching the unknown with conclusions drawn.
I wonder if anything will happen for the good. It is easy to see that “fools have short fuses and explode all too quickly; the prudent quietly shrug off insults.” (Proverbs 12.16) But who is the real fool in this equation?
It is easy for to believe that we have been exploited in given situations. The fact is that others probably did take advantage of the positions and we have less than we should at this given moment in time. The question is what will we do about it?
Strike? God took a different course. It is time for a fresh look.