Everyone has their bad days. Nothing seems to go right, every attempt at getting something done ends up in futility, or simple errands turn into exploding nightmares. String a few of these days together and life begins to take on a distinct color that puts a cloud over even the brightest. Life can be difficult, yet there are certain things that make it even worse; words are the ammo.
Words, the simple sounds that come from your lips and mine, can make or break those around us. This week has not been a bad one, just long. I miss that energetic sound of two teenage girls. I find myself longing for the bizarre twists in conversations that come in the short ride to the train station in the morning. I retreat to the safety of quiet reflection, wondering if I will find the healing words that will cheer the spirit.
The facts are plain. “Rash language cuts and maims, but there is healing in the words of the wise.” (Proverbs 12.18) While it is easy to forget just how sharp our own tongue is, we easily remember those who are careless around our ears.
Regardless of the language; reaching out, nurturing, and shared experience words lift us up. The smile readily replays itself as a tense conversation breaks open through the shared experience between two people who use the same make and model fountain pen. The wonder continues from the experience of two operational managers from competing firms finding common ground in the challenges of motivating people while delivering service. The warmth from the caring wish of a daughter far away shields one’s soul from the harsh reality of daily living.
I want to make a difference in someone’s life today. I want to lift them as others have lifted me. I know that there will be opportunities, there always are. You too will have chances to make a difference. God’s gift of compassion, mercy, and love give each the energy. Words can be gifts from our lives to those who journey with us.