There was a man who had seen the rougher edges of life. He knew what it was like to face the landlord and give him a check that he knew would never clear. He understood what it was like to have the phone go quiet, room grow dark, and search for monies that would put some food on the table at least a few times each week.
Life had not struck this way because of squandered talents, bouts of anger, or rampant ego. Life strikes out at each in his or her own way, inflicting pain and drawing our attention away from the real business at hand, and he knew this better than most. This man had a calling, an ability to portray and share life in a way that caused others to think afresh of their own journeys and role in the world they knew. The challenge and opportunity to fulfill this mission are always present if only because of the daily pain that he bore with a smile and laugh that never seem to end.
There was a man who I had the privilege to call friend. Some have said that we walk totally different roads. I have not found this to be true at all. Sure, some of the colors and textures are different however the pain that strikes out daily to distract each from his or her mission is as proportionally strong as it needs to be. Granted, the question of risk is visibly different, but what does one see through his or her eyes?
Recently lost money was lying at his feet in the workplace, just waiting for a fresh pocket. Given the demands, would I thank God and carry on as if nothing had happened or returned the money in case someone showed? There once was a man who reacted without thinking. He again demonstrated that “God cares about honesty in the workplace; your business is his business.” (Proverbs 16.11)
I want to do for others what he continues to do for me. He is God’s friend.